How are spring temperatures in your local area projected to change over the next 30 years?
Springtime is likely to become hotter
Springtime temperatures will remain stable forever
Springtime is going to bring lots of snow, and the opportunity to make snow angels
Springtime is going to become cold, wet and windy
How is climate change impacting the reproduction of some of our iconic Aussie wildlife?
It's causing almost all species to stop reproducing
Almost all species are having improved reproductive success
It's skewing sex ratios and altering the timing of the spring breeding season
Almost all species are having improved reproductive success
How do warmer temperatures influence the sex of the central bearded dragon offspring?
Temperature has no influence on the sex of central bearded dragon offspring
High temperatures during incubation can cause male dragon embryos to turn into females
Warmer temperatures help ensure there are always the same number of male and female offspring
High temperatures during incubation can cause female dragon embryos to turn into males